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I have another job five days a week on weekdays, and I work at Isshindo sometimes on weekends. At the another job I was relocated and in this February and March I became very busy. As I’m not a physically strong person, I usually work carefully so as not to get too busy, but due to various circumstances, especially during the last week of March, I had to work overtime until after 10pm every day. I ended up in a situation where I couldn’t sleep even though I was tired because my brain was still so awake even in bed.
When I couldn’t sleep, I thought, Wow, this is bad, but I expected the things would be calm down by the end of the week, and I was scheduled to work at Isshindo on Saturday that weekend. I was sure it would be a little easier once I receive the acupuncture treatment! With holding that hope, somehow, I managed to survive the week.
On Saturday, I woke up, got dressed, and went to work as usual, but I found that I was too tired to speak. My breathing was shallow. My head was stiff, especially my forehead, and no matter how much I massaged it it didn’t heal at all. My gaze was also somewhat fixed. Still, I managed myself to work as usual, but my colleague, an acupuncturist, didn’t let me fool her. She was concerned about my pale complexion and helped me to  finished my shift safely and received acupuncture treatment finally.
During the acupuncture treatment, I described the condition, the practitioner nodded, then had the usual treatment, the very soft touch stimulation. Immediately after the treatment, I felt I could breathe a little easier. But my body was still very heavy. As I had an appointment to meet a friend after three years, I dragged myself to the meeting place and apologized to my friend, saying, “I’m really tired, so I’ll go home soon.”
However, it was about 2 hours after the treatment, all of a sudden, my body suddenly became more relaxed. It was as if the strings binding my body suddenly snapped, and I began to recover completely. Then I could breathe deeply, my stiff forehead has loosened up, and I could move my eyes more easily. I said to my friend, “Hey, I’m feeling better now!” and we enjoyed chatting for the first time in several years before heading home.
I’ll never forget that feeling of recovery. It’s like my life force is suddenly revived. Just like fresh greenery growing its leaves, I felt as if power was overflowing from the inside and it reached to every cells of the whole body. Maybe I felt in that way so clearly as my condition was very bad, easy to notice the change to the recovery, but I’m sure the same thing happens every time I receive acupuncture treatment.
It may sound an exaggeration, but I think that the condition that you can’t sleep, your breathing is shallow and your body freezes will lead you to a serious illness, depression, or worth, death from overwork. As I tend to get tired easily, I usually do a lot of self-care, but acupuncture had an overwhelming recovery power that was on a whole other level!

Even if you’re not sick, if you are tired or exhausted and it does’t get better naturally, I strongly recommend you to take the acupuncture treatment!!


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